Infographic : 8 Steps to Make a Remote Control Robotic Vehicle
It is a very interesting thing to operate a robot using remote control technology – whether the robot is used for fun game oriented applications or for technical operations home automation and industrial applications (pick and place robot, line following robot, metal detector robotic vehicle, IR controlled robotic vehicle, fire fighting robotic vehicle, cell phone controlled robotic vehicle, war field spying robot with night vision wireless camera, voice controlled robotic vehicle) and so on].
The steps to make a robotic body and the remote control mechanical system are very interesting for electrical and electronics hobbyists and students. But, in this article we are giving detailed and easy-to-understand, step-wise description to make a remote control robot. In general, robot body is designed using wheels, metal strips, metallic or plastic board, DC motors, discrete components, connecting wires, nuts, and bolts.
The step-by-step procedures given here will help you to make a remote control robot on your own in a professional way. You can learn both how to make a robot body as well as its remote control mechanism with the given infographic. This article certainly provides the technical skills necessary for making a remote control robot.
Note: This remote control robot infographic is purely for engineering students and electronic hobbyists and not meant for commercial purposes. (Terms and conditions apply – Do not try to implement the steps given in this article by your own if you don’t know how to handle electrical and electronic circuits).
8-Steps to Design a Remote Control Robot
Step 1: Know the Robot Application and Start Analyzing the Robot’s Body
Primarily, you must know the application for which you are going to design the remote control robot. Based on the application, you need to design the robot body. Here, we are discussing how to make an IR remote-controlled robotic vehicle.
Step 2: Gather the Hardware Components Required to Make Robot Body
After deciding the robot application, gather all the required components of the robot body, such as the plastic board, wheels, metal strips, DC motors, and all other components to make a robot body.
Step 3: Build the Robot’s Body
Fix the gathered components to form the robot’s body. Attach the wheels using metal strips, DC motors, and make sure to finish the entire robotic body assembly with the furnishing, soldering and gluing.
Step 4: Choose a Remote Control Technology
After designing the entire robot body, you need to control the robot using a remote control technique. Choose the appropriate remote control technology based on the application requirement. You can use the infrared TV remote or IR remote control technology to control the robot.
Step 5: Analyze and Design the Remote Control Circuit
Analyze the components required to design the remote control circuit for controlling the robot using infrared technology. Then, design the circuit and install the components onto the PCB, Next, solder the circuit components in a proper manner.
Step 6: Estimate the Communication Technology for Remote Control Operation
The communication system is required to control the robot remotely. There are different types of communications to design a remote control system. Based on the requirement like range up to which remote control is intended, line of sight requirement, etc., you have to select appropriate remote technology. You can use IR remote technology is used.
Step 7: Design the IR Remote Control System
The infrared remote control system consists of a transmitter end and receiver end. The transmitter end is used by the controller and the receiver end is connected to the robot.
Step 8: Control the Robot Using Remote Control
The robot can be remotely controlled using the push buttons of the IR transmitter. When these buttons are pressed the appropriate commands are sent to the robot receiver to move the robot in forwarding, backward, left, or right directions.
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