Final Year Engineering Projects for ECE and EEE Students
A final year engineering project is the most significant academic work for B. Tech and BE students. When it comes to the choice of the project, ECE and EEE engineering students have a number of choices because of various technologies. Final year engineering projects for ECE and EEE students selection could be in a host of categories like embedded system, automation, wireless power, VLSI, communication, GSM, solar, Wi-Fi, simulation, Bluetooth, Zigbee, etc. From these broad categories, there are various technologies for ECE and EEE projects. Every student must have the basic concepts of these technologies and you have to decide which category to use. This article lists the final year engineering projects for ECE and EEE students
Final Year Engineering Projects for ECE and EEE Students
ECE and EEE are some of the famous branches of engineering. Here the list of final year ECE and EEE projects for B. Tech students to identify the best suitable project for them is listed below. These ideas will most helpful for the students who are not confident about how to get started with the project.
In this article, the latest final year projects are listed below from different sources of electrical, electronics, robotics, wireless communication, Arduino, Android, automation, solar, embedded, IoT, etc.

PLC based Intelligent Traffic Control
This project is used to control the traffic in a junction. But, sometimes we can find that the traffic signals fail to control the traffic efficiently when a particular path has got full traffic than the other paths This situation makes that exact path more Crowdy than the other paths.
By using this project, we can measure the density of the traffic by counting the vehicles in each path and then assign different time slots to different paths according to the vehicles. It is also very difficult for traffic police to observe the whole situation around the clock. So, here PLC(programmable logic controller) is used for automation, which counts the number of vehicles in each path. PLC is the most appropriate controller due to its ease of programming and reprogramming and roughness.

Robotic Wheel Chair based on Flex Sensor
Wheelchairs are used for the people whose walking is difficult, illness, disability, or injury. This project helps people to direct without the help of the other person. It comprises a flex sensor that is connected to a microcontroller to drive the motor in the preferred direction by the disabled person operating it.

The flex sensor generates an analog signal when the resistance of the chair increases or decreases depending on the direction of the bends, then the microcontroller converts the analog signal into a digital signal using an inbuilt analog to digital converter. For various touch positions, dissimilar values will be generated. Depending on the direction, angle corresponding ADC values are calculated by the microcontroller and the motor moves in the desired direction.
Prepaid Electricity System based on Smart Card
The main purpose of this project is to design a prepaid electricity system that can control the amount of electricity spent by the user. This is achieved by interfacing energy meter using smart card technology. This project uses energy mete, microcontroller, LCD, relay, LED indicator, and buzzer. The consumed electricity is stored in the internal memory of the microcontroller.

The recharged amount is stored in the internal memory of the smart card. When the recharged amount becomes zero, then the microcontroller turns OFF all the loads by giving an alarm sound. And the user has to recharge the smart card to further electricity usage.
Rectifiers using Filter Circuit
An electronic device like a rectifier is used to alter alternate current to direct current. These are designed with solid-state diode values of mercury arc, vacuum tube & different components. The rectification can be defined as the procedure of changing AC to DC. Rectifiers are used as power supply components and radio signal detectors. A common type of direct current power supply includes a liner circuit that includes three basic segments: Transforming System, The rectifier System, and filter System.
Remote Monitoring System using DTMF
This project is used to detect the present parameters of a machine. The installation of this system can be done in a remote area where the data can be transmitted directly to the logging system. The received data can be transmitted to doctors by changing into DTMF signals. Any digit in the communication can be sent within pulse mode.
In this project, DTMF tones can be transmitted at the transmitter end and decode at the receiving end so that data can be transmitted from one place to another. At the receiver end, these signals can be decoded and the actual data can be recovered from it through the doctors.
GSM-based Bore-well Water Level Monitor
Whenever the level of water in a borewell reduces to the threshold level then the pump may burn out or damaged because of dry running. For the farmers, it is not convenient in the night time to go to their agriculture field to turn ON/OFF the pump. To overcome this manual operation, this project is very helpful.
In this project, GSM is used to make a call to the user using his phone once the level of water within the borewell reduces otherwise increases to the level of the threshold for pumping. The pump operation can be done by the user remotely by sending an SMS using his phone.
Microcontroller based Fan & Intensity Control
This project is used to design an electric fan that is operated automatically as well as to control the light intensity. This is a microcontroller based project. This fan automatically turns ON based on the temperature in the environment as well as turns ON the lights based on the change in the room intensity. The proposed system can be built with sensors, controller, LDR, relay including embedded programming. Lastly, the performance of this project can be evaluated by comparing the theoretical data performance.
Detection of Human Speed
This project plays a key role in detecting human speed, so it is applicable in the areas of sports. The main aim of this project is to detect the speed of a human. Therefore, this system is mainly used for recording the human’s speed. In this project, a handheld radar gun is placed in the direction of the person to detect the speed. In a running race, it is essential to detect the contestant’s speed so that the decision can be taken.
To measure the speed of contestants, considering the time taken to travel from begins to end is the main parameter. The detection of this can be done by the IR sensors which are arranged on the fixed points of the road. So control of this project calculates the time required for the human and the speed can be displayed on the LCD.
Caller System for Nurse in Hospitals using Touch
We can observe that in hospitals or clinics, disabled patients are not capable of pushing the buttons to give an alert or call a nurse. The proposed system namely the nurse calling system based on the touch screen that allows the patients to call the nurse by a touch.
This project can be built with a touch screen to read the input of the user. This data can be sent through an RF Tx to the receiver circuit of the remote.
This remote circuit gets the input & transmits to the microcontroller to get the process. This circuit can be interfaced with a buzzer & an LCD screen to give an alert & display the message.
The microcontroller used in this project will process the signal for generating a buzzer & exhibits a message on the display.
Detection System for Early Flood
The main concept of this project is to verify the flood situation & send an alert in case of danger in the form of a text message. This project is mainly used to detect the water level within a river at a less distance from the roadways or railway track. At last, an alert can be sent to the respective authorities via an SMS to take suitable action.
In many countries, due to the floods, there is a lot of property and human loss. To overcome this problem, in some countries there are different technologies are used namely flood detection systems. In the proposed system, an early flood detection system is used.
In this project, electrodes are connected at various levels through a comparator with a microcontroller. GSM modem includes a SIM card that is connected to a microcontroller whereas the mobile is used at the other end. The mobile number of the user can be stored within the microcontroller code. Once the water level reaches in the direction of electrodes, then immediately an SMS will be sent to a cell phone.
Security System using Microcontrollers
There are different kinds of microcontrollers are required to achieve difficult tasks in large scale industries. This project demonstrates the synchronization through a security system using a multi microcontroller so that several functions can be handled. In this project, three microcontrollers are used; the main controller is connected using the keypad to read the entered password by the consumer. It processes the password to verify its validity & sends the output to the next microcontroller.
The next microcontroller can be connected through a motor gate as well as a buzzer to generate the sound whenever an invalid password is entered & opens the gate on suitable password output. After that, this data can be coordinated with the last microcontroller. This controller is interfaced with an LCD screen.
The last microcontroller will send the message regarding the password whether that is correct or wrong on the display. Therefore, an efficient security system can be achieved by using multiple microcontrollers in coordination.
PC based Moving Message Displaying using Notice Board
The proposed system is mainly designed for displaying the text message by scrolling in the notice board. This scrolling message can be controlled by a PC. The applications of these boards include stadium, schools, factories, colleges, company, etc to show events, notices. Generally, notice boards are used to display the events, other data from time to time.
The similar functionality can be provided from this electronic notice board. In this project, a PC is used as a controlling device for the text that is displayed on the board. This system includes a benefit as compared with usual notice boards. The message which is received from a pc can be changed as well as fed to an 8051 microcontroller through a Max232 IC.
The required data can be stored within a controller that is interfaced to external memory. Later, an LCD is used to show like a notice board. This board is interfaced through the controller to show the message sent through the PC as a scrolling text.
GSM based Wireless Load Controller
The aim of this project is to design a wireless load controller using a GSM modem. GSM is a low-cost device for monitoring and remote control through a mobile phone. It consists of four contact closure inputs and two relay outputs. These outputs are used to control different loads like pumps, control lighting, and central heating boiler.
The inputs can be connected to the flood detectors, security sensors & thermostats. An elective interface lets communicate with an increasing range of security & fire sensors, panic switches, and heating thermostats for temperature control.

Android ADK based Security System and Home Automation
The main concept of this project is to design a security system and home automation for old age and handicapped people, those who are unable to control home appliances and also to give an indication in dangerous situations. The main advantages of using this project are we can reduce human efforts, time-saving, and energy efficiency.
This project uses a standalone embedded system board, ADK (android accessory development kit) at home. Home appliances are connected to the input/ output ports of the embedded system and their signal is delivered to the ADK. Here, accessory development kit (ADK) & communication are established b/n the android mobile and ADK

Here is the list of final year engineering project ideas for ECE and EEE Final year engineering projects to create practical awareness to engineering students and helps to choose their projects
- IoT based underground cable fault detection
- IoT based Energy Meter Reading
- IoT based Monitoring of transformer or Generator Remotely
- IoT based Patient’s Body temperature Monitoring
- Android-Wi-Fi Based Home Automation
- Controlling of 4-Quadrant DC Motor Using Android
- Energy Meter Billing and Display using GSM
- Home Automation using Voice Control
- Android App based Voice Control Robot
- HF Resonating Coil based Wireless Power Transfer
- Frequency or Voltage Range based Grid Synchronization
- IR Sensor-based Urban Traffic Control System
- Ultrasonic Sensor based Underground Cable Fault Detection
- Induction Motor Soft Start using IGBT
- Solar Street Light using Raspberry Pi
- Android Application based Remote Controlled Home Appliances
- Android Based Automatic Traffic Signal Control System
- Android Application based Remote Control of Induction Motor
- Pick N Place Robot using Android
This is all about Final year engineering projects for all those individuals who are intent on building their own projects. These projects will increase the technical abilities of ECE and EEE engineering students. .Furthermore, for any queries regarding project ideas, please give your feedback, comments, and suggestions in the comment section below.
Photo Credits:
- Prepaid Electricity System based on Smart Card by ytimg
- GSM based Wireless Load Controller by blogspot
- PLC based Intelligent Traffic Control by beprojectreport
- Robotic Wheel Chair by inti
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