Difference between Unilateral Circuits and Bilateral Circuits its functions The interconnection of various electrical and electronic components in a prescribed manner forms an electric circuit in order to achieve the desired function. These components include controlled & uncontrolled sources of energy, resistors, capacitors, inductors, etc. Analysis of these circuits refers to the calculations required to end the unknown quantities like power, voltage, and current connected with one or more components in the circuit. To learn how to examine the models of these systems one must acquire the basic knowledge of electric circuit study and laws. And other systems like hydraulic, mechanical, magnetic, thermal, & power system are easy to study and representation of a circuit. To learn how to analyze the circuits. Here this article gives an overview of basic circuits and the differences between unilateral circuits and bilateral circuits that will aid you to develop and design the circuits. Unilateral Circuits and Bilateral Circuits There are two types of contracts: one is the unilateral contract and another one is the bilateral contract. The essential difference between the two is in the parties. Unilateral contracts contain the only promisor while bilateral contracts contain both promisor and promise. Unilateral Circuits and Bilateral Circuits Unilateral Circuits In unilateral circuits, when the circuit property changes at the same time direction of supply voltage or current also are changed. In other words, the unilateral circuit allows the current flow only in one direction. The diode rectifier is the main example of the unilateral circuit because it doesn’t perform the rectification in both directions of supply. Bilateral Circuits In bilateral circuits, when the circuit property didn’t change, but the change in the direction of supply voltage or current takes place. In other words, the bilateral circuit allows the current flow in both directions. The transmission line is the main example of the bilateral circuit because if you give power supply from any direction, the circuit properties remain constant. Electric Circuit The interconnection of different Electrical Circuit Elements is arranged in a manner to form a closed path is called an electric circuit. The system in which electric current can flow from source to load through one path and after delivering energy at load the current can return to the other terminal of the source through another path is referred as an electric circuit. The main parts of an ideal electric circuit are Electric Circuit Electrical Sources (for delivering electricity to the circuit the mainly used are electric generators and batteries) Controlling Devices (for controlling electricity the mainly used are switches, circuit breakers, MCBs, and Potentiometer like devices, etc.) Protection Devices (for protecting the circuit from abnormal conditions the mainly used are electric fuses, MCBs, Switchgear systems) Conducting Path (to carry current one point to another in the circuit the mainly used are wires or conductors) Load Thus Current and Voltage are the two basic features of an Electric Element. Several techniques by which voltage and current across any element in an electric circuit are determined is called Electric Circuit Analysis. Battery of 30V Carbon resistor of 5kO Due to this a current, I flows in circuit and a potential drop of V volts across the resistor. Types of Electric Circuit The electric circuit can be classified into three types Open circuit. Closed-circuit Short circuit Open Circuit The open-circuit means disconnection of any part of an electric circuit if there is no current flow in the circuit is said to be open-circuited. Closed Circuit The closed-circuit means there is no break or discontinuity in the circuit and current flow from one part to another part of the circuit, then the circuit is called a closed circuit. Open and Closed Circuit Short Circuit If two or more phases, one or more phases and earth or neutral of AC system or positive and negative wires and earth of DC system touch together directly by a zero impedance path then the circuit is said to be short-circuited. Electrical circuits can further be categorized according to their structural features. Short Circuit Series circuit. Parallel circuit. Series Circuit When all elements of a circuit are connected one by one in the tail to head fashion and due to which there will be only one path of flowing current in the circuit is called a series circuit. The circuit elements are said to be series-connected. In series circuit same current flows through all elements connected in series Series Circuit Parallel Circuit If components are connected in such a way that the voltage drop across each component is the same is called a parallel circuit. In a parallel circuit, the voltage drop across each component is the same but the current flow is different in each component. The total current is the sum of currents flowing through each element. An example of a parallel circuit is the wiring system of a house. If one of the lights burns out, current can still flow through the rest of the remaining lights and appliances. In a parallel circuit, the voltage is the same for all elements. Parallel Circuit Basic Properties of Electric Circuits A circuit is always a closed path. A circuit always contains an energy source which acts as a source of electrons. The direction of the flow of conventional current is from positive to negative terminal. The electric elements include the uncontrolled and controlled source of energy, resistors, capacitors, inductors, etc. The flow of current leads to a potential drop across the various elements. In an electric circuit flow of electrons takes place from the negative terminal to the positive terminal. Classification of Networks The behavior of the total network depends upon the behavior and characteristics of the elements. Based on such characteristics, electrical networks can be classified as shown below Linear Network: A circuit or network whose parameters i.e., elements like capacitances, resistances, and inductances are always constant irrespective of the change in voltage, time and temperature, etc are known as linear networks. Ohm’s law can be applied to such a network. Nonlinear network: A circuit whose parameters change their values with the change in time, voltage, temperature, etc is known as a non-linear network. Ohm’s law may not be applied to such a network. Such a network does not follow the law of superposition. The response of the various elements is not linear with respect to their excitation. The best example is a circuit consisting of a diode where the diode current does not vary linearly with the voltage applied to it. Bilateral Network: A circuit whose characteristics, behavior are the same irrespective of the direction of current through various elements of it, is called bilateral network. A network consisting of only resistances is a good example of a bilateral network. Unilateral Network: A circuit whose operation, the behavior is dependant on the direction of the current through various elements is called a unilateral network. Circuit consisting diodes, which allows the flow of current only in one direction is a good example of a unilateral circuit. Therefore, this is all about unilateral circuits and bilateral circuits which include the basic electrical circuit, types, and properties. Furthermore, any queries regarding this concept or electrical and electronics projects please give your valuable suggestions by commenting in the comment section below. Here is a question for you, what is the definition of an electrical circuit? Photo Credits: Electric Circuit electrical4u Open and Closed Circuit thedailysheeple Short Circuit ietlabs Series Circuit sciencebuddies Parallel Circuit thingpic Share This Post: Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn Pinterest Post navigation ‹ Previous Know About Electrical Impedance And Its ApplicationNext › Protection Diode Ciruit Working and Its Application Related Content MAX30100 Pulse Oximeter : PinOut, Features, Specifications, Interfacing, Working, Datasheet & Its Applications Kogge Stone Adder : Circuit, Working, Advantages, Disadvantages & Its Applications Brent Kung Adder : Circuit, Working, Advantages, Disadvantages & Its Applications Inverting Summing Amplifier : Circuit, Working, Derivation, Transfer Function & Its Applications Comments are closed.