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by Tarun Agarwal 5 years ago

LabVIEW Projects for Engineering Students

Currently, the LabVIEW based hardware units are commonly used in various industries due to their features like rugged design and exact control. The communication of these can be done using different protocols namely RS232, TCP/IP, RS485,...

by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago

MATLAB Projects for Engineering Students

MATLAB projects for engineering students are broadly employed in signal processing, image, research, academic and industrial enterprises. This was first implemented by researchers and engineers in control engineering. Further, it is rapidly...

by Tarun Agarwal 7 years ago

Industrial Fault Monitoring System

Nowadays, technology plays a wide role in our day to day life. Wireless technology has further reduced the human effort and invoked to adopt new, efficient, cost-effective methods, leaving behind the conventional methods. Wireless technologies...

Transistor as a Switch
by Tarun Agarwal 8 years ago

How to Use Transistor as a Switch

The main device in the electrical and electronics domain is the regulated valve which allows a weak signal to regulate the more amount of flow similar to the nozzle that regulates the water flow from pumps, tubes, and others. At one period,...

Simple Electronic Circuits
by Tarun Agarwal 9 years ago

Simple Electronic Circuits for Beginners

Generally, success in early projects plays a vital role in the field of electronics for engineering students’ careers. Many students quit electronics due to failing in their first attempt. After a few failures, the student keeps a misconception...

Home Automation using IOT (Internet Of Things)
by Tarun Agarwal 9 years ago

Wireless Home Automation using IOT

The process of controlling or operating various equipment, machinery, industrial processes, and other applications using various control systems and also with less or no human intervention is termed as automation. There are various types...