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Home Automation using IOT (Internet Of Things)
by Tarun Agarwal 9 years ago

Wireless Home Automation using IOT

The process of controlling or operating various equipment, machinery, industrial processes, and other applications using various control systems and also with less or no human intervention is termed as automation. There are various types...

LDR Projects
by Tarun Agarwal 9 years ago

Latest Simple LDR Projects for Engineering Students

The term LDR is known by many names such as a light-dependent resistor, photoresistor, photoconductor, the photocell. The term photocell is most widely used in datasheets as well as instruction sheets for domestic gear. The light-dependent...

Steps to Build a Project on Breadboard
by Tarun Agarwal 9 years ago

Steps to Building a Project on Breadboard Circuit

In the olden days designing process can be done by fixing bare copper wires and electrical and electronic components to a wooden board and soldered to them. In some cases, a schematic diagram was first drawn on a paper and pasted on the...

by Tarun Agarwal 9 years ago

Know all about Force Sensing Resistor Technology

The physical object which can detect events and changes in various parameters such as environment, temperature, humidity, and so on are termed as sensors. Based on the (events or) changes detected the sensors are capable of generating appropriate...

Breadboard Projects for Diploma and Engineering Students
by Tarun Agarwal 9 years ago

Breadboard Projects for Engineering Students

Engineering is an application of various technologies & fields such as designing, innovating, maintaining, creating, controlling, and so on. There are various streams in engineering such as electrical and electronics engineering, electronics...