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CMOS Fabrication
by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago

The Fabrication Process of CMOS Transistor

There was an era, where computers were such mammoth in size that to install them, easily a room space was required. But today they are so evolved that we can even carry them as notebooks easily. The innovation that made this possible was...

Difference between Lap Winding and Wave Winding
by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago

Differences between Lap Winding and Wave Winding

The rotating machine which has an essential part which is known as armature winding. The energy conservation can take place in this winding by converting the mechanical energy into electrical energy, as well as the electrical energy into...

Types of an Armature
by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago

What is an Armature Winding, and Its Types

Generally, an armature winding is like a conductor, and it covers with a single cotton cover, double cotton cover, otherwise cotton fiberglass and enamel. Usually, the rolls of the armature winding will bound mutually with the cotton tape....