by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago A Brief about Ripple Counter with Circuit and Timing Diagrams While carefully observing the production line of glass bottles, which were being packed as 10 bottles per package by machines, an inquisitive mind questions – How does the machine knows to count the number of bottles? What teaches...
by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago IC DAC0808: Pin Configuration, Circuit Diagram and Applications A DAC or digital-to-analog converter in electronics is one kind of system, used to change a digital signal to an analog signal. Similarly, an ADC or analog to digital converter performs the opposite function.DAC architectures are classified...
by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago What is a Piezoelectric Material? Working, Advantages and Limitations Piezoelectric materials have been around since the late 80’s and paved way for many game-changing inventions. Serving in the form of SONAR in world war these materials have now caught eyes of the inventors for their mystic characteristics....
by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago LM3914 IC: Pin Configuration, Circuit Working and Applications In the year 1980, National Semiconductor was launched the IC LM3914 and is still obtainable from Texas Instruments. The IC LM3914 is one kind of integrated circuit, mainly used to activate displays that visually display an analog signal’s...
by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago What is a Piezoelectric Transducer? Circuit Diagram, Working and Applications In our day to day life, we come across various situations where we have to measure physical quantities like mechanical stress applied on metal, temperature levels, Pressure levels etc…For all these applications we need a device which...
by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago What is the Piezoelectric Effect – Working and its Applications The first piezoelectric-effect was invented in the year 1880 by two scientist’s brothers namely ‘Pierre Curie’ & ‘Jacques’. This effect was found from the applied pressure to crystal otherwise quartz forms an electric charge...
by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago The Fabrication Process of CMOS Transistor There was an era, where computers were such mammoth in size that to install them, easily a room space was required. But today they are so evolved that we can even carry them as notebooks easily. The innovation that made this possible was...
by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago Differences between Lap Winding and Wave Winding The rotating machine which has an essential part which is known as armature winding. The energy conservation can take place in this winding by converting the mechanical energy into electrical energy, as well as the electrical energy into...
by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago What is an Armature Winding, and Its Types Generally, an armature winding is like a conductor, and it covers with a single cotton cover, double cotton cover, otherwise cotton fiberglass and enamel. Usually, the rolls of the armature winding will bound mutually with the cotton tape....
by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago What is an Armature? Working with Diagram and Applications The first armature was used by the magnet keepers in the 19th century. The related equipment parts are expressed in terms of an electrical as well as mechanical. Though definitely separate these two sets of terms are regularly used similarly...