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Atomic Structure
by Tarun Agarwal 5 years ago

What is an Atom : Structure and Its Properties

An atom is present in everything we observe around us. Every living creature and nonliving things are composed of atoms where nonliving things made up of the matter. But the atom is the basic building block of matter. So, everything is...

Decoupling Capacitors
by Tarun Agarwal 5 years ago

What is Decoupling Capacitor and Its Working

The common issue facing all digital electronics today is the noise. These are occurred due to faster interfaces as well as the consumption of low-power in devices from power & signal lines. Fortunately, this noise can be decreased with...

Active Transducer
by Tarun Agarwal 5 years ago

What is an Active Transducer : Working & Its Types

The transducer is an electrical device; the main function of this is to change a physical quantity to an equivalent electrical signal. The input in most of the electrical systems is the electrical signal; however, a non-electrical signal...