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by Tarun Agarwal 3 years ago

BSS138 MOSFET : Working & Its Applications

From many years we know various 3.3Volts devices such as ESP8266, ESP32, HC-05 Bluetooth module, Nokia 5110 LCD, BMP180 barometric pressure sensor, etc. To connect a 3.3V SPI or I2C 3.3 Volts to a 5 Volts device like Arduino which supports...

Signal Diode with Symbol
by Tarun Agarwal 3 years ago

What is Signal Diode : Working & Its Applications

Diodes are frequently used as simple rectifiers, switches to open or close a circuit, and mixers in the signal compounding. When the diodes are used in the mixers to detect the signals are known as signal diodes. At present, these diodes...

Vacuum Diode
by Tarun Agarwal 3 years ago

What is Vacuum Diode : Working & Its Applications

The first vacuum tube which is known as a vacuum diode was invented by a British scientist namely “Sir John Ambrose Fleming” in the year 1904. It is also called a thermionic tube or Fleming valve. This diode is made with vacuum tubes...

Diode Test
by Tarun Agarwal 3 years ago

What is Diode Test : Working & Its Applications

For beginners, they must have knowledge of electronic components & their working to troubleshoot any circuit or project. Similarly, having good knowledge of how to test different components is also one of the troubleshooting skills....