by Tarun Agarwal 3 years ago What is SIPO Shift Register : Circuit, Working, Truth Table & Its Applications Generally, a register can be defined as a device used to store the binary data but if you want to store multiple data bits then a set of Flip flops are used which are connected in series. The data which is stored in the registers can be...
by Tarun Agarwal 3 years ago JTAG : Pin Configuration, Working, Protocol Analyser, Timing Diagram & Its Applications JTAG (Joint Test Action Group) is a well-established IEEE 1149.1 standard that was developed in the year 1980 to solve the manufacturing issues that occurred within electronic boards or printed circuit boards. This technology is used to...
by Tarun Agarwal 3 years ago Up/Down Counter : Working, Circuit, IC74193 Pin Out & Its Applications In digital logic & computing, a sequential circuit that is used to count pulses is called a counter. A counter is a set of FFs including an applied CLK signal and this is the broad application of FFs. These are designed as separate...
by Tarun Agarwal 3 years ago USB Protocol : Architecture, Working, Synchronisation, DataFormat & Its Applications The USB protocol or universal serial bus was first developed and launched by Ajay V.Bhatt from Intel in the year 1996. This USB is replaced different kinds of serial & parallel ports for transferring data in between a computer as well...
by Tarun Agarwal 3 years ago PISO Shift Register : Working, Circuit ,Timing diagram, Verilog code & Its Applications We know that a Flip flop is used to store a single binary data bit but if we want to store multiple data bits then several FFs are required. So a shift register includes a set of FFs used for storing multiple data bits by connecting them...
by Tarun Agarwal 3 years ago What is Binary Division : Algorithm, Examples & Its Working There are four types of arithmetic operations that can be performed on binary and decimal number systems addition (Add), subtraction (Sub), multiplication (Mul) & division(Div). A base-2 number system or binary number system is simply...
by Tarun Agarwal 3 years ago What is SISO Shift Register : Working, Truth table, Circuit diagram & Its Applications Generally, a Flip Flop is used to store one data bit. If we want to store multiple data buts, we require a number of flip-flops. So, the set of flip-flops is called a register which is used to shift the bits. There are different kinds of...
by Tarun Agarwal 3 years ago What is PIPO Shift Register : Working, Truth Table, Circuit Diagram & Its Applications A shift register is one type of sequential logic circuit where its output mainly depends on its input & previous output. This register includes a set of Flip Flops where these are connected within cascade which means, one FF output...
by Tarun Agarwal 3 years ago What is Bidirectional Shift Register : Working & Its Applications A flip flop (FF) is a device used mainly for storing a single binary data bit either 0 or 1. But to store several bits of data, we require several FFs. So n-bits of data can be stored by connecting a number of flip-flops. A Register is...
by Tarun Agarwal 3 years ago What is Point Contact Diode : Working & Its Applications In 1930 during world war-II, point-contact diodes were implemented. At present, these diodes are used normally in the range of 3 to 30 gigahertz. Point contact diodes are the old microwave semiconductor devices that are used in microwave...