by Tarun Agarwal 7 months ago Kogge Stone Adder : Circuit, Working, Advantages, Disadvantages & Its Applications An adder is a type of digital circuit in digital electronics that is used to perform addition operations. Even the operation of multiplication mainly depends on the sequence of this operation. So, these can be implemented simply in different...
by Tarun Agarwal 8 months ago Brent Kung Adder : Circuit, Working, Advantages, Disadvantages & Its Applications The Brent–Kung adder was proposed in 1982 by Hsiang Te Kung & Richard Peirce Brent. It is a Parallel Prefix adder or tree adder which is used widely in Digital Design due to its flexibility. Parallel Prefix Adders can be built in...
by Tarun Agarwal 8 months ago Inverting Summing Amplifier : Circuit, Working, Derivation, Transfer Function & Its Applications One of the main applications of op-amp is the summing amplifier or adder. When the op-amp’s input impedance is huge, above one input signal is provided to the inverting amplifier to add the given signal at the output, known as the summing...
by Tarun Agarwal 8 months ago Active Band Pass Filter : Circuit, Types, Frequency Response, Q Factor, Advantages & Its Applications The bandpass filter allows the signals to supply between two particular frequencies, even though separates these signals at other frequencies. These types of bandpass filters are available in various types; some of the bandpass filter design...
by Tarun Agarwal 9 months ago Bode Plot : Table, Differences,Stability, Advantages, Disadvantages & Its Applications Bode plots are fundamental tools in control systems and signal processing, offering a graphical representation of a system’s frequency response. Named after engineer Hendrik Wade Bode, these plots consist of two separate graphs: one...
by Tarun Agarwal 9 months ago Passive High Pass Filter : Circuit, Working, Types, Transfer Function & Its Applications A high pass filter is an electronic filter that allows signals with a higher frequency than a certain cut-off frequency & attenuates signals by lower frequencies than that cut-off frequency. This filter is inverse to the low pass filter...
by Tarun Agarwal 9 months ago Non Inverting Summing Amplifier : Circuit, Derivation, Transfer Function, Vs Inverting Summing & Its Applications Operational amplifiers are available in different configurations. A summing amplifier is one of the types, that is used for combining the available voltages on a minimum of two or above inputs into a single o/p voltage. Inverting op-amp...
by Tarun Agarwal 9 months ago Differential Pressure Sensor : Circuit, Interfacing, Types, Testing, Symptoms & Its Uses Sometimes it is not significant to identify the total pressure of a liquid (or) a gas but as an alternative, simply the variation between two points within the system being observed needs to be identified. So in such conditions, a differential...
by Tarun Agarwal 9 months ago Steering Angle Sensor : Diagram, Working, Symptoms, Functions, Calibration & Its Uses Currently, most vehicles are equipped with ESC (Electronic stability control) for overall security. ESC is a series of sensors that function with a computer to enhance vehicle strength by sensing and decreasing traction loss. In the ESC...
by Tarun Agarwal 9 months ago Integrated Amplifier : Working, Diagram, Types,Vs Power Amplifier, How to Choose & Its Applications Integrated amplifiers play a key role in the audio world and are available in different shapes and sizes. This amplifier combines both the preamplifier & a power amplifier into a single device to provide the path ultimately to your...