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Comparator Circuit Working and Applications
by Tarun Agarwal 10 years ago

Op Amp as Comparator Circuit and Working Operation

Generally, in electronics, the comparator is used to compare two voltages or currents which are given at the two inputs of the comparator. That means it takes two input voltages, then compares them and gives a differential output voltage...

Different Types of Sensors
by Tarun Agarwal 10 years ago

Types of Sensors with Their Circuit Diagrams

Generally, we use conventional wall socket switchboards for switching on industrial appliances or home appliances such as fan, cooler, industrial motors, and so on. But, it is very difficult to operate the switches regularly. Hence, home...

Home Automation
by Tarun Agarwal 10 years ago

Home Automation Projects for Engineering Students

Nowadays automation systems have become widespread in several industries by playing a vital role in dominating many process-related operations. We live in the world of automation wherein most of the systems have become machine-driven, such...