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Different Types of Rectifiers
by Tarun Agarwal 7 years ago

Different Types of Rectifiers & Their Working

In a large number of electrical and electronic circuits, DC voltage is required for its operation. We can simply alter the AC voltage into DC voltage by using a device called a PN junction diode. One of the most significant applications...

Sensor Alarm using a Thyristor
by Tarun Agarwal 7 years ago

Description of Sensor Alarm Using Thyristor

The thefts in the public places like shops, banks, treasuries etc are rising day by day. All these public places occupy a very large area. To alert the concerned authorities in these areas we require an which can function and hold up large...

Speed Control of DC Motor by Android Application
by Tarun Agarwal 8 years ago

Speed Control of DC Motor by Android

Interfacing DC motor to the microcontroller is a very important concept in many industrial and robotic applications. By interfacing DC motor to the microcontroller, we can control the direction of the motor, control the speed of the motor....

Auto Intensity Control of Street Lights (Bipolar LED Driver) by edgefxkits
by Tarun Agarwal 8 years ago

Working of Bipolar LED Driver Circuit

A LED driver or bipolar LED driver is an electrical circuit which a regulated amount of current and voltage to a LED or LED lamp. A LED lamp is a light that contains an arrangement of LEDs configured in an electrical circuit that is designed...