by Tarun Agarwal 5 years ago What is a Weston Type Frequency Meter & Its Working Electric power systems comprise the networks of electrical components, which supply, transfer, deploy the electric energy when required. Power Systems can be classified into two types like AC power systems and DC power systems.AC power...
by Tarun Agarwal 5 years ago What is Vibration Galvanometer : Types, Construction and Theory The galvanometer is an instrument which is used to measure or detect the small amount of current. It is an indicating instrument and it is also a null detection that indicates a null detector, such that no current is flowing through the...
by Tarun Agarwal 5 years ago What is Half Bridge Inverter : Circuit Diagram & Its Working The inverter is a power electronic converter that converts direct power to alternating power. By using this inverter device, we can convert fixed dc into variable ac power which as a variable frequency and voltage. Secondly from this inverter,...
by Tarun Agarwal 5 years ago Difference Between RS232 and RS485 : Advantages and Disadvantages The RS232 (Recommended Standard 232) and RS2485 (Recommended Standard 485) are simple forms of serial communication protocols used to transmit and receive data. The data can be transmitted via serial or parallel, the main advantage of parallel...
by Tarun Agarwal 5 years ago What is Nuclear Reactor : Working & Its Applications The first nuclear reactor was designed to use in bombs to generate 239Pu. After that, these reactors are used for different purposes like electricity generation and also used in propelling ships for generating radioisotopes and supply heat....
by Tarun Agarwal 5 years ago What is Two Wattmeter Method and Its Working All the electrical equipment and machines work on supplying electric power and dissipate large amounts of energy. The supplied power is usually measured in terms of watts using a device namely wattmeter. A wattmeter is also called as deflection...
by Tarun Agarwal 5 years ago What is Ward Leonard Method : Advantages & Its Applications Harry Ward introduced Ward Leonard Control System Method in 1891 for controlling the DC motor speed. This method is a basic armature control method. There are two different types of voltage control methods they are multiple voltage control...
by Tarun Agarwal 5 years ago What is Galvanic Isolation : Working & Its Applications Isolation technique is used while designing an electronic product that uses more operating voltages and signals to avoid one signal that is messing up with the other. Isolation plays a key role in security by avoiding the fault conditions...
by Tarun Agarwal 5 years ago What is an Emergency Light : Circuit Diagram & Its Working Emergency lighting is used in an urgent situation like when the main supply is disconnected or regular electrical light fails. So the sudden electricity loss could result in a fire otherwise a power cut. This lighting system is used in...
by Tarun Agarwal 5 years ago What is a Pyrheliometer : Working & Its Applications We know that the sun is the main energy source on earth. So by using this, the production of energy can be done through solar energy harvesting. So life is constant on earth because the sun generates sufficient heat energy for keeping the...