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by Tarun Agarwal 5 years ago

What is Metal Oxide Varistor & Its Working

A varistor is also known as VDR (voltage-dependent resistor) is one kind of electronic component. It has VI characteristics that are the same as to a diode. The main function of this component is to protect the devices from high transient...

by Tarun Agarwal 5 years ago

What is HRC Fuse : Working & Its Applications

The flow of current in an electrical network is within a fixed limit. Once the flow of current in the network crosses the fixed limit, a fault occurs within the network like phase to ground or phase to phase short circuit. When the flow...

DC Machine
by Tarun Agarwal 5 years ago

What are the Various Losses in DC Machine?

We know that DC motor is used to change the power from electrical form to mechanical form similarly; dc generator is used to change the power from mechanical form to electrical form. The input power in the DC generator is in mechanical...

Transformerless Power Supply
by Tarun Agarwal 5 years ago

What is Transformerless Power Supply & Its Working

In general electronic products, the DC power supply converts the AC voltage to a small DC voltage by using a step-down transformer. Switch-mode power supply or step down transformer converts higher AC to lower AC voltage and then to the...

Transformer Oil
by Tarun Agarwal 5 years ago

What is Transformer Oil : Types & Its Testing

The oil used in the transformer is a key element to check the physical condition of the unit. In the last five decades in India, there is a drastic change in production technology. The mineral-based oil like transformer oil is frequently...

Control System
by Tarun Agarwal 5 years ago

What is an Open Loop Control System & Its Working

The first control system was invented by “James Watt’s Flyball governor” in the year 17. The main intention of this device is to maintain the engine speed constant by changing the steam supply to the engine. At present, the control...

IC 7805
by Tarun Agarwal 5 years ago

What is 7805 Voltage Regulator & Its Working

For every electronic device, the regulated power supply is essential because these devices use semiconductor material with a fixed rate of voltage and current. If there is any difference in the fixed rate of voltage and current, then the...