by Tarun Agarwal 4 years ago What is a Power MOSFET : Working & Its Applications Power MOSFETs use the methods of semiconductor processing that are similar to present VLSI circuits except for the levels of device voltage & current are drastically different. The MOSFET mainly depends on the original FET (field-effect...
by Tarun Agarwal 4 years ago What is a Capacitor Bank : Types & Its Connections The active power which is generated from the power plant can be expressed in MW (Mega Watts) otherwise kW (KiloWatts). Even though the reactive power within alternating power system can be expressed in Mega VAR or Kilo VAR. The reactive...
by Tarun Agarwal 4 years ago What is a Pulse Transformer : Working & Its Applications A pulse transformer is one of the most widely utilized custom transformers in different industries. Generally, vacuum devices mainly work in high power pulse voltage which is generated by high power-based pulse transformers. These transformers...
by Tarun Agarwal 4 years ago What is Busbar Protection : Types & Its Testing Before knowing the concept of busbar protection, let us first know what a busbar is. So, a busbar is the electric one which is stated as either a single or array of conducted employed for accumulating electric power from the incoming feeder...
by Tarun Agarwal 4 years ago What is a Moving Iron Instrument & Its Working The moving iron meter was initially formulated by an Australian engineer Drexler in the year 1884. These moving iron meters act in response to both the AC and DC currents. This iron component includes a movable vane that is connected...
by Tarun Agarwal 4 years ago What is a Voltage Source Inverter : Circuit & Its Working The term inverter in power electronics refers to a device called a converter, which converts direct current (DC) power at a particular frequency to alternating current at another frequency using solid-state electronics. There are 2 traditional...
by Tarun Agarwal 4 years ago What is Reciprocity Theorem & Its Statement In electromagnetics, there are many important network theorems available, in that the reciprocity theorem is one of the most important ones. By using this theorem, we can build up physical intuition to ascertain if a specific design otherwise...
by Tarun Agarwal 4 years ago What is Nodal Analysis : Circuit with Example In an electric or electronic circuit, a node is used to connect different components to each other. According to KCL (Kirchoff’s Current Law), the current that enters into a node should leave from a node. In the circuit, each point...
by Tarun Agarwal 4 years ago How to Design Circuits Online Free with EasyEDA? There are different kinds of circuit design softwares available in the market based on the requirement like easy, Everycircuit, Eagle, etc. But selecting the best design software to design schematics as well as the simulation is very important....
by Tarun Agarwal 4 years ago What is a Low Dropout Regulator & Its Working At present, the size of modern electronic components & devices is decreasing. However, the efficiency of the battery is changing very much so this is a factor for pushing the limits over power management systems. In the manufacturing...