by Tarun Agarwal 1 year ago Difference between ESP32 vs Arduino ESP32 and Arduino are the two most popular development boards based on microcontroller or hardware platforms which have impacted embedded systems & DIY projects significantly. These development boards work similarly but, they differ...
by Tarun Agarwal 2 years ago Arduino Due : Pin Configuration, Interfacing & Its Applications Arduino board is an open-source hardware and software platform that is designed with a circuit board including a microcontroller and other interfaces supporting different components connecting to it. This board can be simply programmed...
by Tarun Agarwal 2 years ago Arduino Relay : Circuit, Working, Code, Specification & Its Applications An electrically operated switch like a relay is used to turn ON/OFF a load by allowing the flow of current throughout it. This relay is simply controlled by low voltage (5V) which is generated by the pins of Arduino So, a relay module controlling...
by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago Arduino Sensor – Types and Applications When an electronic hobbyists start designing any project, the main concern factor would be the compatibility issue between hardware and the available software IDEs. Invented around the 2000s, Arduino came as an answer for such issues. Arduino...
by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago Fingerprint Sensor Working and Applications From the past few years, fingerprint detection utilization has existed for identification. Generally, the features of fingerprint recognition systems include faster speed, lower costs, as well as consistency is more comparing to other types...
by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago Arduino Mega 2560 Board Arduino board is an open-source microcontroller board which is based on Atmega 2560 microcontroller. The growth environment of this board executes the processing or wiring language. These boards have recharged the automation industry with...
by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago An Overview of Arduino Nano Board This article gives detailed information about an Arduino Nano board, and it is one kind of microcontroller board which is designed by the Arduino team. This microcontroller is based on Atmega168 or Atmega328p. It is fairly similar to Arduino...
by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago Arduino Uno Projects for Beginners and Engineering Students Arduino UNO is a Microcontroller developed using ATmega328P. It has 14 digital I/O pins. From among these 14 pins, 6 are used for PWM output. Besides these Uno also has 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal. It also contains a USB connection...
by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago ATmega328 Arduino Uno Board Working and Its Applications The Arduino Uno is one kind of microcontroller board based on ATmega328, and Uno is an Italian term which means one. Arduino Uno is named for marking the upcoming release of microcontroller board namely Arduino Uno Board 1.0. This board...
by Tarun Agarwal 6 years ago Arduino UNO R3, Pin Diagram, Specification and Applications The Arduino UNO R3 is frequently used microcontroller board in the family of an Arduino. This is the latest third version of an Arduino board and released in the year 2011. The main advantage of this board is if we make a mistake we can...