IC 555 Pins
Pin 1
It is the ground pin directly connected to the negative rail. It should not be connected using a resistor, because all the semiconductors inside the IC will heat up due to stray voltage accumulating in it.
Pin 2
It is...
SIM Card:
SIM card technology is one of the most popular technologies which is used in Mobile phones to activate the connection and to communicate and for making links with the server system and also used in various electrical and electronic...
Regulated power supplies usually refers to a power supply capable of supplying a variety of output voltages useful for bench testing electronic circuits, possibly with continuous variation of the output voltage, or just some preset...
In every electronic or electrical circuit, a capacitor plays a key role. So every day, the production of different types of capacitors can be done from thousands to millions. Each kind of capacitor includes its benefits, drawbacks, functions...
An electrical short circuit is the most common cause of accidental fires in domestic, commercial and industrial buildings. It occurs when the abnormal conditions take place in the electrical circuit like over current, insulation failures,...
Computer technology is going to see major advances in sophisticated 3-dimensional modeling and image processing; the users will see desktop computers with the computational power of today’s super-computers. Even graphics capabilities...
What do you mean by Heartbeat?
A person’s heartbeat is the sound of the valves in his/her’s heart contracting or expanding as they force blood from one region to another. The number of times the heart beats per minute (BPM), is the...
Induction Motor
An induction motor is a 3 phase motor consisting of the 3 phase winding as the stator with a permanent magnet and the rotor as another 3 phase windings. It works on the principle of rotating the magnetic field, i.e. the...
The electric generator was invented before the correlation between electricity as well as magnetism was discovered. These generators use electrostatic principles to operate with the help of plates, moving belts which are charged electrically...
What is a Tone Generator?
A tone generator is a signal generator circuit which converts applied electrical signals to audio signals. It can be used to produce dial tones in telephones or produce sirens in ambulances or VIP vehicles etc...