by Tarun Agarwal 9 years ago Zero Crossing Detector Circuit and Working A zero-crossing detector or ZCD is one type of voltage comparator, used to detect a sine waveform transition from positive and negative, that coincides when the i/p crosses the zero voltage condition. In this article, we discuss the zero-crossing...
by Tarun Agarwal 9 years ago MQ135 Alcohol Sensor Circuit And Working The MQ series of gas sensors utilize a small heater inside with an electrochemical sensor these sensors are sensitive to a range of gasses are used at room temperature. MQ135 alcohol sensor is a Sno2 with a lower conductivity of clean...
by Tarun Agarwal 9 years ago LCD Interfacing with 8051 Microcontroller A decade back the process and control operations were implemented by using the microprocessor only. But nowadays the situation is changed and it is occupied by a new device called Microcontroller. We can’t find any electronic gadget...
by Tarun Agarwal 9 years ago Infrared Sensor Based Power Saver Circuit and Working The sensor is a device that is used to detect the changes in events or quantities and it produces approximate outputs. An infrared sensor is an electronic device that is used to measure the heat of an object and also detects the motion....
by Tarun Agarwal 9 years ago Sawtooth Wave Generator and its Working Principle A waveform is a shape that represents changes in amplitude with respect to time. A periodic waveform includes a sine wave, square wave, triangular wave, sawtooth wave. On the x-axis, it indicates the time and on the y-axis it indicates...
by Tarun Agarwal 9 years ago Different Types of Voltage Regulators with Working Principle In the power supply, voltage regulators play a key role. So before going to discuss a voltage regulator, we have to know that what is the role of a power supply while designing a system?. For instance, in any working system like a smartphone,...
by Tarun Agarwal 9 years ago Different types of Sensors Available for Building Projects A sensor is an electrical device that detects some kind of input from a physical environment. The input could be heat, light, motion, pressure, and moisture. Generally, the output is a signal. The different types of sensors that play an...
by Tarun Agarwal 9 years ago What is a Half Wave Rectifier : Circuit & Its Characteristics In the period 1880’s itself, the identification and uniqueness of rectifiers were started. The advancement of rectifiers has invented various approaches in the domain of power electronics. The initial diode which was employed in the rectifier...
by Tarun Agarwal 9 years ago Heat Sensor Circuit and Working Operation The main property of a heat sensor is to sense the heat, which is present around the sensor. When the set value of the temperature is high, then it is indicated with the help of a glowing LED. The usage of the heat sensor circuit is inside...
by Tarun Agarwal 9 years ago Understanding about the P-N Junction Diode Theory and Working A P-N Junction Diode is formed by doping one side of a piece of silicon with a P-type dopant (Boran) and the other side with a N-type dopant (phosphorus).Ge can be used instead of Silicon. The P-N junction diode is a two-terminal device....