Accelerometer based Gesture Control Robot

Nowadays, robotics are becoming one of the most advanced in the field of technology. The applications of robotics mainly involve in automobiles, medical, construction, defense and also used as a fire fighting robot to help the people from the fire accident. But, controlling the robot with a remote or a switch is quite complicated. So, a new project is developed that is, an accelerometer based gesture control robot. The main goal of this project is to control the movement of the robot with hand gesture using accelerometer.

Accelerometer based  Gesture  Control  Robot
Accelerometer based Gesture Control Robot

Accelerometer based Gesture Control Robot

This project includes transmitter section and receiver section. The required components to build this project are Ht12e, Ht12d, L293D, AT89S52, 7805, capacitor, crystal, PBT connector, single pole antenna, resistor, LED, accelerometer and battery.The accelerometer is an essential device in this project.

accelerometer or transmitter device depends upon the hand gesture. Through transmitter device, a command is received and it is processed with the help of At89S51 microcontroller. This microcontroller gives signal to the robot to move in the preferred direction. The basic working principle of this robot set of the data signals of transmitting device readings to the microcontroller fitted in the robot. The preprogrammed microcontroller runs according to the program, which make the robot work accordingly.

A gesture controlled robot using an accelerometer is one kind of robot which can be operated by the movement of hand by placing an accelerometer on it. This project is divided into two parts transmitter device and receiver device. Where a gesture device works as a transmitter device and a robot works as a receiver device.When a transmitting device (accelerometer) is placed on the hand, then it will send signals to the robot for the required operation.

The major components used in the transmitting section include an accelerometer, comparator, HT12E IC encoder and RF transmitter.


An accelerometer is a one type of sensor and it gives an analog data while moving in the direction of X, Y and Z. These directions depend on the type of sensor. The diagram of accelerometer is shown below. This sensor consists of arrow directions, if we tilt the sensor in one direction, then the data at the particular pin will change in the form of analog. The accelerometer consists of six pins, where the function of each pin is discussed below.

  • Pin-1: VDD pin is used to give +5V supply to this pin
  • Pin-2: GND pin is connected to the ground for the purpose of biasing
  • Pin-3: X pin will receive the data in the X direction
  • Pin-4: Y pin will receive the data in the Y direction
  • Pin-5: Z pin will receive the data in the Z direction
  • Pin-6: ST pin is used to adjust the sensitivity of the accelerometer 1.5g or 2g or 3g or 4g


The comparator is used to change the analog voltage into digital voltage and compares that analog voltage to a reference voltage and give a precise low voltage or high voltage


This encoder is used to encode the 4-bit data and transmits by using an RF transmitter module.

RF Transmitter Module

The RF TX module works with 433MHz frequency and this module is easily available in the market with low cost

The major components used in the receiving section include receiver, decoder, microcontroller and motor driver.

Transmitter Section
Transmitter Section

RF Receiver

The RF receiver of this project will receive the data which is transferred by the transmitting device.


The decoder is used to change the serial data into parallel data which is received from the RF receiver module.


The microcontroller is the most essential part of the robot. A 8051 family microcontroller is used in the circuit to give a decision capacity

Motor Driver

The motor driver is a device which gives the movement to do a task like a motor. So we require motor driver to run them through the controller. The interface between motor & microcontroller can be done using an L293D motor driver IC in this circuit.

At the receiver section, an RF receiver module receives the data from the transmitter. The received data can be decoded by an IC HT12D. The received data can be processed by AT89S51 microcontroller and motor driver is used to control the motor.

Receiver Section
Receiver Section

Gesture Control Robot Working

Accelerometer based gesture controlled robot moves according to the movement of hand as we place the accelerometer on your hand. When we tilt hand with an accelerometer in front of the robot, then the robot starts moving forward until the next movement is given. When we tilt hand in backward direction, then the robot changes its direction and state. Then it starts moving in backward direction until the next signal is given. When we tilt hand on left side, then the robot moves into left side until the next signal is given.In the same way, when we tilt hand in right side, then the robot moves right side.


The applications of the accelerometer based gesture controlled robot include

  • These robots are used in military applications to operate robots
  • These robots are used in medical applications for the purpose of surgery
  • These robotics are used in the construction field
  • These robotics are used in industries to control trolly and lift.

Thus, this is all about Accelerometer based gesture control robot, its working and applications.We hope that you have got a better understanding of this concept. Furthermore, any doubts regarding this concept or electronics projects, please give your feedback by commenting in the comment section below. Here is a question for you, what are the applications of accelerometer based gesture control robot?

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